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Enjoy Sportlov!

Will you be heading somewhere out of town to enjoy Sporlov? Wondering what to do about missing classes? Don't worry, we have the answers.

First off, you don't need to e-mail us to tell us you are missing class. Two times per term you can miss your regular class and get a credit to take a drop in. For example, if you normally take Pole 4 and you were sick and missed your normal class, you now have one class credit to use for a drop in. Always wanted to try Chairdance? Curious about Acro? Wondering what Burlesque is like? Explore a bit!

Remember that you can only make up a class twice per term- any absences beyond that must be justified with a doctor's note. Also, you must use your class credits in the same eight week term- in other words, they don't roll over to next term, so be sure to use them before you lose them.

Enjoy vacation, wherever it takes you, and then come back to us and try a new class with your class credit. See you on the other side of Sportlov!

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