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Anna Grundström at DQ on 2 september!

Connect your body to the stories that move you in this novel contemporary pole workshop created by Anna Grundstrom.
Harness your own, personal artistry and articulate your truth through movement with a stepbystep method that incorporates intention, rhythm, texture, and light improvisation to the kinetic phrase.
This is your story, your voice, your narrative, and we will unlock that expression of self with experiments in contemporary choreography and musicality.
No tricks are taught, but fledgling enthusiasts and elite pro polers looking to expand their movement vocabulary, or contemporary dancers seeking a new canvas to play on will equally benefit from the skills and
techniques taught in this workshop.

Storytelling (Contemporary Pole Workshop)
Sunday 2nd of September 2018
15.00-16.30, room 2

375 sek Studio DQ students
425 sek all others
16 spots, 90 min

Book your spot here

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